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The Third Round Table for the Triple I for Global Health

The 3rd Round Table meeting among the Partners of Impact Investment Initiative (Triple I) for Global Health took place on 11th July 2024.

Ambassador Suzuki Hideo provided an update on Triple I's progress, briefing Triple I Partners on recent outreach events such as the World Health Assembly side event in May 2024, as well as its plans for future engagements including a side event during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024. Ambassador Suzuki then outlined Triple I's future work plan, including its plan to establish a Working Group on impact measurement and management (IMM) and underscoring the importance of input from Triple I Partners.

Next, Triple I Secretariat gave a presentation on the landscape of impact investing, sharing preliminary findings from the interviews and questionnaires Secretariat conducted with some of the Triple I Partners. Lack of standardization of IMM framework and metrics was one of the key challenges identified. Triple I Secretariat also explained its plans to set up a Working Group on IMM with the aim of harmonizing existing practices.

Ms. Shivani Shahai from Quadria Capital, a Partner of Triple I, shared their experience with IMM. Quadria Capital's work on impact focuses on addressing four key healthcare gaps, namely accessibility, affordability, improving awareness of health, and quality of healthcare services. Ms. Shahai explained their rigorous and standardized tier-wise approach, including an impact scorecard with KPIs aligned with IRIS+. Ms. Shahai also shared a case study where Quadria used their well-defined impact scorecard to conduct a quantitative analysis, which enabled the impact team and the investment team to work closely together to drive long-term impact.

Breakout discussions identified the need for better collaboration and alignment among the stakeholders involved, including governments and the private sector. Participants also underscored the need for a common language between the investing world and the global health sector. They further discussed potential solutions to overcome the difficulties in driving impact investment.

Overall, the roundtable meeting saw valuable exchange of experiences and views to expand impact investment in global health sector.

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