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  2. Brand Use Policy

Brand Use Policy


    "Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health ( hereafter Triple I) Brand Elements" means name and all graphic design components, including but not limited to the logo, colours, typerfaces, images and other graphic treatments that comprise the Triple I brand image.


    The purpose of this Brand Use Policy (the "Policy") is to standardize and regulate the use of Triple I's brand elements, including but not limited to its name and logo, in order to protect Triple I's professional and inclusive image and the integrity of its brand. Triple I requires those who refer to Triple I in any way to adhere to the following guidelines.


    1. 3.1.  Prior Written Consent

    2. 3.1.1. The Triple I Brand Elements are the intellectual property of Triple I. Use of the Triple I Brand Elements requires the prior written consent of the Triple I Secretariat, and such use by any third party is limited to the specific purposes outlined in such consent. In addition, any reference to Triple I or use of the Triple I Brand Elements that might reasonably lead an audience to believe that Triple I has endorsed any organization, product or service, or that implies any affiliation with Triple I, requires the prior written consent of the Triple I Secretariat.

    3. 3.1.2. To request permission to use the Triple I Brand Elements, it is required to submit following written information to the Secretariat. The Secretariat may request to submit other documents as necessary.
      (a)Purpose of Use
      (b)Medium of Use and its duration
      (c) Samples of any press releases, marketing, advertising or other materials that include any reference to Triple I Brand Elements.

    4. 3.1.3. To request permission for the use of the Triple I Brand Elements, please submit a request to the Triple I Secretariat (secretariat@tripleiforgh.org) by email.

      3.1.4. The Triple I Secretariat reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revoke permission to use the Triple I Brand Elements as described above at any time.

    5. 3.1.5. Cases in which the use of Triple I Brand Elements will not be granted (not limited to these cases)

      • ・Using the Brand Elements in a way which is offensive to public order or public morality, etc.
      • ・Using the Brand Elements for commercial or retail purposes, e.g. stating or implying that the Triple I endorses you, your products, your services.
      • ・Using the Brand Elements for political or religious purposes
      • ・Using the Brand Elements for non-relevant purposes.
    6. 3.2.  No Waiver
      At no time will the use of the Triple I Brand Elements by any third-party be construed as a waiver of any intellectual property rights, including any moral rights, by the Triple I whatsoever.

    7. 3.3.  Brand Elements

    8. 3.3.1. The Triple I Brand Elements should not be modified in any way, such as changing the design, adding or deleting elements or words, or changing any colours or proportions. In addition, the Triple I logo should never be skewed, stretched or otherwise manipulated in any way. The design integrity of the Triple I Brand Elements must be maintained at all times. More detailed information can be found in the Triple I Logo System Guideline.

    9. 3.3.2. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Triple I Secretariat, the use of the Triple I Brand Elements should not be used in conjunction with third-party trademarks or to imply that Triple I endorsement of, support for, or participation in, events, products, services or activities.

    10. 3.4.  Lawful Purposes
      The Triple I Brand Elements may only be used for lawful purposes.

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