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Triple I - WHA side event (Hybrid) Impact Investing for Global Health: Cross Sectoral Learnings

~ What does it take to be an "impact Investor"/"impact Investee" for global health? ~


Triple I will be hosting a hybrid event "Impact Investing for Global Health: Cross Sectoral Learnings; What does it take to be an 'impact investor'/ 'impact investee' for global health?" on May 28, 2024. It will be held alongside the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.


The event aims to bring together stakeholders from across health and financial sectors to share views and perspectives of what it takes to become a social impact investor for health or receive social impact investment. As the global environment evolves, now is a critical time to bring stakeholders together for alignment of investment strategies, greater understanding on the wider financing and health ecosystem. We will also hear from the beneficiaries of social impact investment at community level.


Sign up here (https://forms.office.com/e/w5ffg54Wik)


Hybrid Format

Date:       28 May 2024

Time:      15:00-16:30 CEST, followed by networking

Venue:    SAINT-GERVAIS, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Geneva

Address: Quai Turrettini 1, 1201 Geneva


Program (tentative)

15:00       Welcome Coffee

15:10       Opening remarks

15:20       Introductory Presentation on "Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health"

15:30       Roundtable dialogue: "Social impact investing for global health: What does it take?"

16:15       Q&A session

16:20       Closing remarks

16:30       Networking

17:30       Close


Speakers at Roundtable Dialogue (tentative)

Executives from International Finance Corporation (IFC), Global Health Investment Corporation (GHIC), Japan international Corporation Agency (JICA), Global Fund,DNDi, and more...


Triple I WHA Invite .pdf


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